Mixed Martial Arts is an art where being well rounded in diverse styles is required and training or specializing in one specific style of marital arts isn't enough. This can make the whole process of becoming a well rounded MMA fighter very time consuming because not every academy trains fighters in every style. Actually almost every academy specializes in one specific style for the most part.
One of the most important part of becoming a great mixed martial art fighter is very well put in this popular line amongst fighters... "If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail" This is a saying that you should always keep in mind if you want to become an MMA fighter, because discipline is what will take you the furthest in this sport..
It is also a most to be fit mentally for this sport. It is often said that half of the results a fighter gets from a fight depend on their mental stability, it is important to come strong with no fears and no unsettled business to a fight as this type of emotion can make a fighter lose the bout. A successful MMA fighter focuses on his mental health as much as he does on his skills and endurance.
This sport isn't often called the most dangerous of all styles of fighting for no reason, this is serious competition and to be a part of this sport you have to become a serious fighter. Mixed Martial Arts has also gained a lot of notoriety for the amount of multidimensional fighters it showcases, many of the best fighters in the world have mastered many different styles of martial arts and when they put them all together it make them a spectacle to watch.
So here are the basic areas where you want to focus on developing; For the stand up aspect of fighting you must gain experience in at least one of these styles, kickboxing, Muay Thai, karate, kung fu. I personally believe that for the boxing side of it kickboxing or Muay Thai are better if you want to be a well rounded fighter because these styles train you to use your fists for more than punching and that can be helpful in the ring.
As far as the grappling side of fighting you should look into judo, ambo, jujutsu wrestling ground Brazilian also the very popular and reputable Jiu jitsu or Wrestling Judo Jujutsu.
Once you establish a routine and begin to see results the ultimate way to stay on top of your game in MMA is how given you are to your training and how much you take care of your nutrition. These are essential for any MMA Fighter. You can have the skills but if you don't have the nutrition odd are going to be against you.