There is an infinite number of medicine ball exercises that you can add into your boxing training routine in order to produce great gains. The classic piece of equipment can be a wonderful tool for your boxing strength training.
After all, there's a reason they have been used in boxing gyms for hundreds of years, and when combined with today's knowledge of strength training you can use them to produce amazingly effective results. Take a look at just a few of the medicine ball exercises you can use as a key piece of your boxing training routine.
Lying Toe Touches: Lie down on your back and raise your legs so they are at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Hold a medicine ball with both arms behind your head. Raise your arms to touch your toes with the ball and slowly lower, repeating in sets of 15-20 repetitions. This is great for your abdominal and core boxing training routine.
Russian Twist: Another one of the fantastic medicine ball exercises for boxing strength training is the Russian twist. Try it with this variation, using just a standard cheap medicine ball. Assume a situp position on the floor and raise your back to 45 degrees and then also lift your feet off the ground a few inches. Holding the ball on one side of your body, twist your torso all the way in the other direction, bringing it as far to the other side as possible and then repeat back in the other direction. Do for 30 seconds straight.
Standing Football Hikes: This is another great core strength exercise for a boxing training routine. Stand straight up and hold the ball over your head with both hands. Squat down and move the ball quickly back between your legs as if you were hiking a football. Raise the ball back out in front of you and stand back straight up.
Uneven Pushups: Pushups have also long been an essential piece of boxing strength training, so now try combing them with medicine ball exercises. Get into a pushup position, but have one of your hands resting on the ball, providing an uneven base of support. Lower yourself and complete a repetition, then slide the ball over to the other side and complete another pushup in that direction. That counts as one repetition, complete as many as possible.
These are just a few of the many medicine ball exercises that can be a part of your boxing training routine. Start using these today and even get creative and invent your own and your boxing strength training will start improving drastically.
After all, there's a reason they have been used in boxing gyms for hundreds of years, and when combined with today's knowledge of strength training you can use them to produce amazingly effective results. Take a look at just a few of the medicine ball exercises you can use as a key piece of your boxing training routine.
Lying Toe Touches: Lie down on your back and raise your legs so they are at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Hold a medicine ball with both arms behind your head. Raise your arms to touch your toes with the ball and slowly lower, repeating in sets of 15-20 repetitions. This is great for your abdominal and core boxing training routine.
Russian Twist: Another one of the fantastic medicine ball exercises for boxing strength training is the Russian twist. Try it with this variation, using just a standard cheap medicine ball. Assume a situp position on the floor and raise your back to 45 degrees and then also lift your feet off the ground a few inches. Holding the ball on one side of your body, twist your torso all the way in the other direction, bringing it as far to the other side as possible and then repeat back in the other direction. Do for 30 seconds straight.
Standing Football Hikes: This is another great core strength exercise for a boxing training routine. Stand straight up and hold the ball over your head with both hands. Squat down and move the ball quickly back between your legs as if you were hiking a football. Raise the ball back out in front of you and stand back straight up.
Uneven Pushups: Pushups have also long been an essential piece of boxing strength training, so now try combing them with medicine ball exercises. Get into a pushup position, but have one of your hands resting on the ball, providing an uneven base of support. Lower yourself and complete a repetition, then slide the ball over to the other side and complete another pushup in that direction. That counts as one repetition, complete as many as possible.
These are just a few of the many medicine ball exercises that can be a part of your boxing training routine. Start using these today and even get creative and invent your own and your boxing strength training will start improving drastically.