How To Fight And Win In MMA And Represent The Sport

Watching a fight go to a unanimous or split decision is more often than not, disappointing for the people watching it, and probably for you. You should want to go out there, destroy your opponent, give them the respect they deserve before and after, and entertain the fans. Here are some tips to get you started in a more exciting MMA career.


You should be devoting more time to actually visualizing how your fight is going to pan out. People don't give enough credit to the power of visualization and many be the most underrated tool in an MMA fighter's arsenal.

Picture the details in complete detail and focus each one of your senses on it. Picture the ref raising your hand after you KO your opponent. How does the crowd sound when you Head kick KO your opponent?


The most humble fighter is the most admired. If you listen to the ones who talk out loud all the time about how hard there going to beat their opponent's, it's usually because they're scared.

Knowing that you're a wrecking machine is important, but keep it to yourself. Pay your respect to your opponent before and after the bout. Represent our sport with dignity.

Give It Everything You Got.

When you walk in the cage and not only look like you're going to win, but feel it, then you are unstoppable. Part of giving it your all is having an unstoppable faith that you are going to win.

When the bell rings, leave everything you got in the cage.

These tips will show the people watching that you're serious and build confidence in yourself. A quality MMA training program will outline the importance of the mental game and training outside of the club.