Fight In MMA - The Top 3 Styles To Train

Question is always brought up as to which of the martial arts is the best to fight with for MMA. Here we've put together the ultimate combination of 3 martial arts to make the best fighter possible.


This is the martial art that made the UFC come alive. When the Gracie's put their young talented Royce in the cage, he was embarrassing everyone. There is no doubt that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the best submission style to embrace for MMA.

A Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighter needs to be able to take his opponent to the ground to execute most of the moves they can do. Utilize wrestling to take care of this.


The best fighters out there today have some of the best wrestling. Some of the top 10 fighters are either National or Olympic champions. Become a wrestler to execute and defend the take down at will.

Becoming a wrestler allows you to take any striker out of their game plan, and dictate the fight on the ground. If you're a better striker, then use your wrestling to defend the take down.

Thai Boxing.

Muay Thai kickboxing is the striking art of choice. Learning how to hit every part of the body using all four points is a great utility. From fists to elbows, and knees to shins you can strike your opponent with everything you got.

Utilize wrestling to prevent the take down. This again will allow you to out strike your opponent and play them into your boxing match.

These by far are the best styles to engage practice in for MMA. Mix the styles together by training them combined for MMA style sparring. Utilize an MMA training program to get the most out of your training.