Martial Arts Strength: How To Improve Your Kicking Power!

Kicking power requires you to practice a number of different skills. If you are interested in learning how to go about improving your kicking power then take a minute to continue reading this article. Kicking is the bread and butter of martial arts and without them being effective you might as well not be training.

How To Improve Kicking Power

I have had the fortunate opportunity to work with some great fighters over the years. As a strength and conditioning specialist I can honestly say that professional martial arts fighters are some of the best athletes around. In order for one to achieve a reasonable level of skill and ability to throw an effective punch or kick requires hours of practice and commitment. This is something that doesn't come over night and must be worked on in a number of different ways.

To begin, in order to improve your kicks you have got to be willing to put in the time of practicing that specific skill on a regular basis. The development of kicking power is first established by training your body to properly perform the actual movement of kicking in the most correct and efficient manner. Time on the bag is essential in your kicking ability and the chance to improve this skill over time. You have got to learn the pattern of the movement and from there it is all about repetition.

In addition to practicing the actual skill of kicking you must work on the development of your core strength. You see our bodies are designed to generate force and power from our core center. This is something that is taught in martial arts through the skill of kinetic linking. Kinetic linking is essential in the act of you learning how to throw an effective kick. This is done by utilizing the force of your body as a whole by combining the actions of all your segments along with your core center which are involved in the movement of throwing the kick, or any other strike for that matter. By developing more core strength through the act of multi-joint lifts (dead lifts, power cleans, kettlebell snatches) you will significantly elevate the level of your kicking power.

Strength, mobility, and practice are all necessary for you to improve the power of your kicks. The beauty is that you can spend a lifetime tweaking these variables. The key to doing it effectively is knowing what drills and what methods to use that work best for those specific skills that you are looking to improve on. Take the time to apply these methods to your personal program and you will notice a significant change in your bag blasting power in no time. More importantly your opponents will too. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend.