Increase Your Punching Speed With This Evil Exercise!

I remember seeing a movie when I was just a kid about a martial artist that fought in a tournament up against people from all over the world. The thing that I remembered most about this guy was the sheer speed he had in his hands and his feet whenever he struck his opponents. You may realize by now that I am talking about the martial arts legend Bruce Lee.

You see even then Bruce Lee realized the importance of speed and power. He trained both himself and his students to flow like water and when the time was right to forcefully create tension and power to unleash a quick powerful blow to the opposition during a fight. Like Bruce, the element of speed has always intrigued me in training myself and my clients in athletics. If you are looking to improve your punching speed then you have got to learn how to execute the kettlebell snatch lift. This is a lift that I highly recommend and I'm sure Bruce himself would approve of.

Increase Your Punching Speed

So what is the kettlebell snatch lift? Well let me first explain what the kettlebell is first. The kettlebell is an ancient strength and conditioning device that resembles a cannonball with a handle attached to it. This particular device has to be lifted by efficiently applying your body in the right way to do so. Lifting kettlebells is about training movements more than muscles and this is why it is so effective in helping you to develop superior athleticism. The snatch lift involves lifting the bell from either the ground or from between your legs up to a held position locked out above your head in one smooth forceful motion.

In order to execute the kettlebell snatch you will want to pull the kettlebell up from either the ground or from between your legs depending on which version of the snatch lift you are doing. You will want to pull the bell up by initiating a forceful flexion and then extension of your hips and knees in order to generate momentum. As the bell elevates up in front of your body you will want to pull it up to a lateral position just next to your head. This is called the high pull movement and this action should mimic the same motion as you pulling back on a bow like you would with a bow and arrow. Once the bell is at this level next to your head you will complete the lift by then vertically punching your palm towards the sky to lock the bell out overhead.

By incorporating this lift into your martial arts strength and conditioning program you will forcefully increasing your punching speed and power. This single lift will help you to develop core strength, hip power, shoulder stability, cardio, and total body explosiveness. I always say that if you want to be able to punch someone hard and run somewhere really fast then the kettlebell snatch lift is just what you need! Take the time to learn more by accessing more of my articles on the subject for free. Remember that most any fighter can train hard, but only the champions train smart my friend.