Pick The M26C To Get A Great Self Defense Weapon Without Emptying Your Bank Account

By Nhoj F Eeldua

I transferred to a safer part of town upon learning that the apartment beside my own had been burgled. Somehow, it feels doubly alarming when you receive a first-hand account of wrongdoing. The tradeoff is that I take lengthier trips home late at night. In any case, I needed to have a form of protection.

Right away, I fixed on Tasers and intended for information on one in particular. An elder brother of mine works for the Army and deems the Advanced Taser M26C an Affordable Police Model Taser. I was being charged a higher lease for the new digs and really was gunning for a rock-solid if inexpensive option.

I picked up online that a Taser holds a changeable cartridge packed with compressed nitrogen. This shoots out two tiny projectiles attached to the unit by wires through which travel 50,000 volts of electricity. These wires run 15 feet long, meaning that an assault can be fended off at such a great extent.

Minus the wires, the Taser acts as a contact stun gun to be employed for close-quarter combat. I could see that its ability to defend at both long and short distances makes the Advanced Taser M26C an affordable police model Taser. Plus, Tasers can stab through 2 inches of clothing.

During my search, I happened upon various sorts of Tasers including the Taser C2 with or without laser sight and the Taser X26C. However, I required my self-defense weapon to compensate for my physical weakness. The Taser M26C stood out as being a police-type Taser through and through.

This Taser has been fashioned after the Advanced Taser M26 issued to the cops, which is why people often find the Advanced Taser M26C an affordable police model Taser. It makes use of the very technology that enhances the unbeatable stopping power of law enforcement Tasers.

By adapting modern electro-muscular disruption technology, Tasers are able to subdue delinquents regardless of their body's tolerance for pain brought about by electricity. In conjunction, established stun gun technology is involved to make sure that Tasers stay as non-lethal products with effects that linger for no more than several minutes.

I was comforted to have found out that a Taser will not lead to lifelong damage. In fact, it apparently bests a 9mm. handgun in terms of debilitating at speed. With everything that I dug up, I make it a point to declare the Advanced Taser M26C an affordable police model Taser in front of everyone I know.

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