Hey Mate! What's Yer Kenpo Style?

By Al Case

Maybe you recall that great bit of dialogue in Enter the Dragon where the bad guy asks 'What's yer style' of Bruce Lee? As over the top as that line appears, it points to the differences of arts and styles, and how confusing such a thing as lineage can be. In no art is this as true as in the martial art of Kenpo.

Many people think Ed Parker created the style of Kenpo, but he actually only popularized it. And, to be honest, he more than likely added to the confusion of the art. He created something like five different versions, and he drew from Karate and Kung Fu and whatever happened to be on his mind that day.

Kenpo got its start in the nation of Japan. There is some confusion as to the correct spelling of the term, some people say it is Kenpo, and some say Kempo. Kenpo, however, usually points to martial arts having roots in China, and Kempo points to the more Japanese oriented styles.

There is confusion in this matter because there is not always agreement. Further, there is disagreement as to the history. That said, Kenpo, although commonly understood to translate as 'Fist Law,' is actually 'Quanfa,' which means Kung Fu.

The main branches of the Kenpo in the United States come from James Mitose. Mr. Mitose is sometimes a controversial teacher, for he was convicted of murder and extortion. He served his sentence in Folsom Prison.

Mr. Mitose was the instructor of William Chow, who taught Edmund Parker. Master Parker, as has been noted, popularized the art of Kenpo. People who studied with Mr. Chow also include Adriano Emperado, Ralph Castro, Sam Kuaho, and many others.

Names of the arts taught by these people (and others) include Shaolin Kenpo, Kajukenpo, American Kenpo, Kara-Ho Kempo, and many other systems. There are a legion of secondary students who were taught by these people. Kenpo has also continued to grow conceptually, drawing from many other arts for forms, applications, and so on.

Though Kenpo grew fast, and though the lineage is sometimes confused, as is the art itself, there is much value in it. Many people get their start in the convenient 'Strip Mall Dojos,' and then branch out. Still, to define the true kenpo, and to list the roots and influences can be a daunting task.

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