MMA Conditioning Exercise From GSP Workout Video

I saw a video a while back of one of Georges St. Pierre's MMA conditioning workouts. In it his trainer had him doing 80 lb. dumbbell presses for one set immediately followed by a plyometric medicine ball press. Basically, as soon as GSP dropped the weights, the trainer standing above passes him a heavy med ball then GSP presses it as fast as possible releasing the ball at the top. The trainer catches it and then repeats.
The heavy DB presses followed by the plyo presses are a great MMA conditioning exercise; it simulates the pushing strength and power needed to reverse or sweep an opponent when they are in a top dominant position. This MMA conditioning exercise develops power in the pectorals (chest), anterior deltoids (front part of shoulders), and triceps.
Here are the details of what I call the Plyometric Power Press:
How to perform this MMA conditioning drill
  • Get a partner
  • Lie on back on the ground or bench with your arms outstretched
  • Your partner stands on the box holding the medicine ball at arm's length.
  • Your partner drops the medicine ball into your hands.
  • Catch the ball with elbows bent
  • Allow the ball to come towards your chest
  • Extend the arms to propel the ball into the air as hard as you can then partner catches it
  • Keep the catch time to the shortest time possible
How to add this MMA conditioning drill into your workout
  • 3 to 5 sets
  • 10 to 20 repetitions/set
  • Quality (high, straight) of the vertical toss is far more important than quantity
Remember, you want to do this exercise right after going heavy (6-8RM) on the dumbbell or barbell benchpress to increase your upper-body anaerobic conditioning and power-under-fatigue, all of which are key components in MMA.