Buy Cell Phone Stun guns On The Web For Disguised Self Protection

By Jozef A Laurn

We take a lot for granted. The earth stays put (usually). Lighting strikes somewhere else, and it's other people who get mugged. Sometimes it is a false sense of security that prevents us from taking extra precautions. One scare or catastrophic event can change all that for the individuals involved. Some people are more proactive with safety than others. Of course there are some things in life we can have no control over, such as earthquakes. But as for personal safety, there are precautions we can adopt in our lives, such as carrying protection.

Particularly, cell phone stun guns are effective devices to help protect an individual from becoming a victim.

Stun guns must have direct contact to be effective. Muggers, rapists and others who attack a person obviously are close enough to make contact with a stun gun.

While stun guns are bulky and are easy to detect - and therefore the mugger will be able to react quickly and might even take it away from you.

A cell phone is a good camouflage and is much smaller and more easily hidden.

Although cell phone stun guns do not really function as a real mobile phone, some of them have LED lights that serve as a flashlight. Portable flashlights can be very handy to have at times.

Bright LED lights can also temporarily blind one's assailant, a distraction one might need in order to be able to have an opening to use the stun gun.

For those who want to be in style and to stay in fashion while carrying cell phone stun guns, be aware that these also come in various colors. Having a colorful gadget with you further makes them less prone to be suspected as a tun gun. It is highly advisable that you purchase a color as according to your gender. Also, many stun guns possess a safety switch. Such a safety switch will help you from being stunned accidentally - as the gadget's contact probes are a bit exposed. Such a feature will help you not be stunned yourself as you try to reach for the cellphone stun gun in your hand bag or in your pant pocket.

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