Nothing Else Taser Measures up To The Ability and Reliability of The Taser X26

By Ronn K Saas

I work as a bank manager. Bank security is one of the more important priorities that we have in our branch. We are aware that even with the security procedures that we implement, robbers can be ingenious and crafty as to strike anytime. As bank employees, we are not allowed to carry firearms so I decided to keep Taser stun guns for my staff. The Taser x26 that we had in the premises helped us repel an attempted robbery lately.

The Taser X26 has different features that prompted me to give the go-signal to obtain the weapon. I read online that Tasers are highly effective but safe stun guns that users can rely on to ward off an attack. Each can be used within a long or short range. Experts say that a Taser is more capable of taking down goons than a 9-mm. handgun.

Unlike other stun guns, the Taser X26-C is able to knock down an opponent who is several feet from the user. I can remember that when the deranged guy declared he was robbing the bank, I immediately took out the Taser and directed it towards his body.

When I pressed the security button of the Taser stun gun, two darts then shot up and landed into his body. The darts were connected by 15-foot-long wires and transmitted electrical shock of 50,000 volts to the aggressor until he was suddenly out.

I do not think that I could have taken a precise shot at the man without the laser sight feature of this Taser gun. With the laser sight, I successfully targeted the man despite that I do not have so good an aim. I feel that the laser sight is one feature that would be appreciated by most stun gun owners.

Included in this Taser is a digital power magazine that is its power source. I found the digital power magazine to be advanced and intelligent. It can show the user how many hours are left in the device and the energy usage.

I further read that Tasers like the one we have in the bank can be used to knock out a person trained to withstand a lot of pain. In fact, we learned that the robber who got into our bank was an ex-military guy but he had no chance against the takedown power of our Taser.

I may have been lucky that the man did not notice me rushing to my office room to pick up the Taser X26, but I guess that the Taser gun that we kept in our branch helped my heroic act.

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