The Safest And Most Dependable Self-Defense Device You Can Find Is A Police Taser Stun Gun

By Mark A Stimerling

As fond as I am of sports betting, I had no idea that it would put me in harm's way one day. After my neighbor, Christian, lost to me in a basketball betting match, I became three hundred bucks richer but was subsequently attacked by that spiteful loser.

He was so resentful of his defeat that he vented his ire onto me. Christian assaulted me while I was in the middle of opening the door of my car. Fortunately, having worked as a security guy in the past, I have a background in non-lethal defense and made good use of it.

It happens that Police Tasers are staples in my weapons collection and I now reached for the Taser X26C that I had in the automobile. In no time, I turned around and struck him with it, rendering him unconscious.

Light in weight, the Taser X26C makes use of a digital power magazine and features a display of info such as the remaining battery life. Its effects on that punk lasted for close to an hour as he was immobilized as a consequence. Afterwards, I called the cops and had him arrested. I got the chance to talk to them about police Tasers and exchange professional notes.

Aside from the Taser X26C, I have some other devices for non-lethal defense in my possession. Among those, the Taser C2 with laser sight and the Taser M26C similarly keep me safeguarded against wrongdoing.

I was in security when I first became familiar with Taser stun guns and their usage for defense from aggressors. Since then, I have collected police Tasers because of their versatility in giving me multiple ways of warding off an attack within long and short ranges.

For one, the Taser C2 with laser sight could be utilized on the enemy who is up to 15 feet away because that is the full length of its two wires. These wires carry 50,000 volts of electricity that can incapacitate any bully. A variation of this product is the Taser C2 without laser sight but I decided to go for the laser feature.

The Taser M26C, which was the last of the police Tasers that I have bought so far, approximates the advanced Taser M26 that is given to military personnel and policemen. It provides me with excellent self-defense by employing the same police-strength technology to bring delinquents down.

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