The Reach of A Firearm While Using The Security of a Stun Gun, The Taser X26C Is A Excellent Taser Gun

By Barie K Jennkens

I was not familiar with Taser guns until I visited and saw a pal's X26C. She related that she bought it as protective device for herself after being assaulted by a group of robbers months ago. On that night, she was about to leave her bakeshop when delinquents attacked her and took all the day's earnings.

As a result of the attack, she had to stay in the hospital for days. As soon as she was well enough to go home, she began her search for self-defense products to prepare for the possibility of another attack from the wrongdoers.

My friend found stun guns and several types while searching online. I thought that I would also benefit from purchasing one since there were several times when I was so close to becoming a victim of lawbreakers as being a college professor would sometimes require me to stay at school until the late hours. Arriving home after meeting my friend, I logged on to the Net to start my search.

Through Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) technology, I can use a Taser to incapacitate wrongdoers, even those with a large body size and high tolerance for pain. It has 2 darts connected by 15-foot wires with 50,000 volts, which are able pass through 2-inch-thick clothing.

Taser guns discharge electrical energy that can disrupt the motor and sensory aspects of the peripheral nervous system. When using the gadget, I can aim at any body part of the lawbreaker since no target area is specified. I can utilize it as my contact gun when in close proximity with delinquents or within a 4.5-meter or 15-foot distance.

Like my pal, I selected the black-colored X26C. This device uses a digital power magazine. Through the central information display, I can easily access its countdown timer for activation, battery level and warranty information. The shelf life of the magazine and the energy consumed are also calculated. The accuracy of my shot in a dark environment will not be a problem as well with this gadget's laser sight.

I had my Taser gun in a complete package. It included the X26C with built-in laser sight/LEDs, a practice target, a soft personal carry case, 6 cartridges, training materials and a manual. Operating the device will not be a problem since I can practice with it and the manual can help me learn more.

Taser guns are proven effective protective gadgets and I am confident that the device I have will be able to provide me with the protection that I need.

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