Kettlebell Training - Ultimate Conditioning For Fighters, Period!

I just introduced a good friend of mine who happens to be a professional fighter to the kettlebell just a few days ago. He was truly amazed at the dynamic style of training and art of movement that went into it. To go even further I picked up my martial arts training along with him and I was able to go the distance my first day out after being out of "fighting shape" for quite some time now. That really got his interest.

Ultimate Conditioning For Fighters

You see, like martial arts, kettlebell training is all about the movement. The key to being a great fighter weighs on both technique and stamina. Kettlebell training involves the same exact thing! You see you can't expect to have a "health club" workout if you want to be a great fighter. In order to excel within any sport you have got to have a dynamic and smartly planned strength and conditioning program. Kettlebell training is about smart effective training.

Any martial artist and fighter knows that body control and strength must go hand in hand. Kettlebell training is a style of strength training that promotes these variables in the most effective way. You see the thing that makes this ancient device so unique is it's design.

The kettlebell basically resembles a cannonball with a handle attached to it. Because of this unique design it makes handling the kettlebell very awkward. Its this awkwardness that causes you to have to use your body in the most efficient way to be able to hold and handle the bell in many various ways without losing control of it. Because of it's design it is always pulling away from your center of gravity and it is this "pulling away" that causes your body to counter-react this sensation which in turn will make you stronger and stronger.

As a fighter you have got to be able to have control and strength during moments of difficulty and awkwardness. This is what makes it an art form and this is why kettlebell training is too. Dynamic lifts such as swings, get ups, snatches, and jerks all promote power, strength, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness at the same time. By integrating these various movements and lifts into your martial arts training you stand to give yourself the ultimate conditioning workout for your MMA or martial arts training.

If you haven't already started to implement kettlebell training into your program then you are falling behind my friend. Take the time to learn more by accessing more of my articles on the subject for free. Remember that most any fighter can train hard, but only the champions train smart!