One of the most powerful tools to make anything we want a reality is to visualize. It is a well under-rated tool nonetheless. Here are a few tips you need to get started to win now!
Find the right place!
When you first start practicing visualization you need to maintain concentration a lot more than after practicing at it a few times. Start by finding a quiet, comfortable place that no one can bother you for as long it takes you.
You can begin by closing your eyes. Countdown your breath from 10 or if possible focus on your heartbeat to the point where you can feel it and maybe hear it.
Take in details!
When you can see the mental movie playing in your mind focus on the details. How do your punches look when they connect with your opponent's jaws How does your knee feel when it blasts your opponent's abdomen?
When taking in all the details, get everyone of your senses involved. By doing this you visual is reality to your brain, so that when the event actually takes place you are calm, cool and collected. This is the most important and beneficial part of visualization.
Lose the vice grip!
Holding onto any desire too strongly may actually push it away from you. Take in every detail of the visualization but never hold it that everything must work out in the exact detail that you pictured.
Avenues will present themselves for finishing the fight that aren't exactly as pictured; Take them. Never let the vice grip on desire get in the way of your success.
These keys are very valuable to have a fight go in your favour. Of course these are only the beginning. A complete martial arts program will provide the details on how to visualize due to the increasing success of its practice.
So remember:
-Find the right place.
-Take in details.
-Lose the vice grip.
Find the right place!
When you first start practicing visualization you need to maintain concentration a lot more than after practicing at it a few times. Start by finding a quiet, comfortable place that no one can bother you for as long it takes you.
You can begin by closing your eyes. Countdown your breath from 10 or if possible focus on your heartbeat to the point where you can feel it and maybe hear it.
Take in details!
When you can see the mental movie playing in your mind focus on the details. How do your punches look when they connect with your opponent's jaws How does your knee feel when it blasts your opponent's abdomen?
When taking in all the details, get everyone of your senses involved. By doing this you visual is reality to your brain, so that when the event actually takes place you are calm, cool and collected. This is the most important and beneficial part of visualization.
Lose the vice grip!
Holding onto any desire too strongly may actually push it away from you. Take in every detail of the visualization but never hold it that everything must work out in the exact detail that you pictured.
Avenues will present themselves for finishing the fight that aren't exactly as pictured; Take them. Never let the vice grip on desire get in the way of your success.
These keys are very valuable to have a fight go in your favour. Of course these are only the beginning. A complete martial arts program will provide the details on how to visualize due to the increasing success of its practice.
So remember:
-Find the right place.
-Take in details.
-Lose the vice grip.