Rulers of the Power Punching Hierarchy

OK, lets see if this one strikes a chord!
It is my contention that most practitioners know the basic laws of physics but mis-understand how to complete their application.
The applicable principles for punching from distance to fighting measure are
Momentum, Force, Impulse, and kinetic energy
1. Momentum has to do with our ability to move our opponent through distance and mass is the significant player here - all of our weight must be behind the punch.
* point - The more weight we can place behind the strike the greater the momentum will be.
* point - Momentum entails motion, motion should entail creating an environment that maximizes our potential use of ground force reaction.
2. Force entails acceleration in the direction of our strike. if the acceleration reaches it highest speed at point of impact the force generated through the punch will be even greater.
* point - the equation f=ma again allows you to take advantage of ground force reaction.
* point - Also bring to bear the importance of starting your punch mili-seconds before you put your mass into play.
* point - Speed of hand by itself does not create power. The faster the speed + the faster the acceleration the greater the force (power).
3. Impulse - Impulse is a measurement of the amount of force generated
times time itself. This is commonly referred to as "striking through the target. A major misunderstand in our profession is that this is accomplished by snapping the punch (or breaking it off) at the point of impact. Another word for impulse could be kinetic energy but, that is the last part of the hierarchy and also is a different equation.
* point - There are three types of impulse| impact of the three stinging or [i]snapping[/i] is the least effective. In proper order:
a. stinging - lacks any real power - has some strategic value.
b. Shattering - This is the preferred method and has lots of kinetic energy involved with it. This has the deepest penetration of the three and is only created by truly punching through the target and again must take place as the accelerated point of impact is reached in order to punch through the target zone.
c. Pushing - This has a lot of momentum on it's side and is both strategic and a power move
Remember impulse is the change in momentum, which is a product of the force acting on an object and the time during which it acts. Which by itself explained why if your snapping your punches you ain't power punching.
4. And finally we have kinetic energy this is the physics power paradox's.
It equation is 1/2 mass X velocity2. And this is the part that allows us to knock out those big fat bully turds when we need to - that is if your taking advantage of the other three principles at the same time.
* point - in order to create more kinetic energy you need the following:
a. To increase your momentum which denotes taking advantage of ground force reaction.
b. To increase your acceleration in order to generate more force which denotes taking advantage of ground force reaction.
c. shorten your impulse but increase your impact force which denotes taking advantage of ground force reaction and rotational momentum.
d. If you do these things and do them correctly will be able to increase your power production 4 times and do 4 times more damage.
This is the hierarchy of a power punch and if your merely stepping, sliding, punching and rotating you are not taking advantage of these principles. This is the science, these are the facts, and nothing you can say will change this reality.
Every one of the above equations denotes explosive movements yet this is something that is rarely taught. There are old style movements that allow you to take advantage of the above principles yet they are hardly recognized and barely taught except by a few of us, why is this?