Real Grip Training For Gi Grapplers!

Combat athletes, especially gi grapplers such as Jiu Jitsu players and judokas, need strong and resilient grips. In judo for example, your grip can be the single deciding factor in a match - he who gives out first loses! While simply training with the gi on can develop very strong hands and fingers, grapplers still need to supplement their training in order to maximize their potential.

There are many training modalities when it comes to grip strength, and while "extra" grip training can serve a purpose, grapplers have limited time for strength and conditioning work and need to use that time wisely. One of the best ways to get super strong hands while saving time is to incorporate grip work into the strength and conditioning work that you already do.

Many of the exercises that I use already involve the hands to a large degree...kettlebell snatches, sandbag training, band and rope training, lots of pull ups, sled dragging - you name it. With these movements, not only am I training my entire body, but require a large degree of grip strength...something that you can't say about training with bozu balls or fancy machines.

But in order to cause further "forearm trauma", there are numerous ways to make some of these movements even more difficult. Here's a list of my favorite grip enhancers...

1. Towel or Gi Chins

2. Towel or Gi Pikes, Leg Raises, and Windshield Wipers

3. Towel or Gi Kettlebell Swings

4. Towel barbell Deadlifts, Romanian Deadlifts, and Bent Over Rows

5. Thick Bar (make your own by wrapping a towel around the bar) Curls

6. Towel Band Rows, Face Pulls, and Snapdowns

7. Thick Bar Chin Ups (make your own, or go to a local playground!)

8. Thick Bar Recline Rows

9. Sandbag Rows while gripping the canvas (great for finger strength!)

10. Sled high pulls, scarecrows, rowing, and dragging with a gi looped through the end of the tow straps