MMA - How to Defend a Shoot and Prevent Easy Takedowns

If you want to defend a shoot and prevent easy takedowns, then ask yourself why? Are you vulnerable on the floor? If so that is an extremely good reason to master this skill. If you are essentially a grappler and striker, learning takedown defence keeps the fight going to your advantage. On your back you are wasting time and opening yourself up to submissions.

In its simplest form, the take down defence keys are these:

* As the shoot comes in, step to one side.
* By doing this you put yourself in a mechanical advantage and leave your opponent open to having his own momentum used against him.
* As your opponent is still lower than you with his energy projecting him still forwards to where you were, either push him to the side and down or
* strike from your elevated position.
* If he came in with such inertia that it carries him well in front of you, so he has his back to you, go for back control in some form if you know how.

The other important thing you have to do is to be able to see a takedown attempt coming. Often it will follow a feigned jab.

* Your opponent throws a dummy jab and drops down to attempt a shoot straight after.
* If he is not a striker by nature watch for this.
* It gives you the opportunity to pre-empt his move and drop over and on to him for a guillotine.

In between dealing with a takedown attempt and pre-empting one would be a counter just as your opponent shoots in. A classic example would be a knee to the head.