Mixed martial arts is a unique sport.
You could say that it is one of the few... if not the ONLY one (in martial arts) that requires a great deal of cross training. The MMA fighter must not only possess skill in various disciplines but he or she must also have stamina, flexibility, strength and intelligence.
Just being able to throw a powerful punch and being able to toss your opponent around is not enough. Strength training for an MMA fight involves working out to produce the ability to exert effort and pressure in an extreme environment.
Surprisingly enough... everyone can benefit from an MMA workout!
The correct mixed martial arts workout will not only have you looking good but will allow you to take care of yourself in any situation. For example, having great cardio can easily enhance your sex life.
The mixed martial arts workout that I'm going to recommend will allow you to push yourself beyond your normal exercise limits.
This MMA workout is designed to target all your major muscle groups. This training should be completed-- 3 to 4 times per week.
You will have one full day of recovery between each workout.
This will condition your muscles to work longer through high levels of lactic acid. This workout consists of three circuits with two minutes of rest in between each circuit.
Each of the movements is timed and your objective is to do as many repetitions as possible within the allotted time. Unfortunately, there will be no rest in between exercises. After you have completed the movement you must move on to the next until you complete the entire series or circuit.
It is important then to find a resistance or weight that you can use without a great deal of difficulty.
Bear in mind this is an MMA workout designed to give you additional strength-- so using a light weight or light resistance will not help you!
This price you pay now -- in this MMA workout -- will pay off in the ring or on the mat!
It's a good idea to keep track of your workouts -- the number of repetitions for each exercise. (You don't need anything expensive you can go down to your local Rite Aid or CVS and purchase a composition notebook for about a dollar.)
The exercises that you will be given are considered... compound movements.
Here is your MMA workout and training program:
1. Half Squats -- 1.5 minutes (remember do as many repetitions as you can within the allotted 1.5 minutes -- then move onto the next exercise.)
2. Flat Bench Press -- for 1.5 minutes
3. Overhead Press (standing) -- 1.5 minutes
4. The Clean and Jerk -- 1.5 minutes
After you complete this one round or circuit rest for approximately 2 minutes (this is your target.)
In the beginning don't push yourself too much if you have not completely recovered at the end of the two minutes -- then rest for an additional minute -- for maximum total of three minutes of rest.
As I indicated to you earlier -- the price you pay in this workout will pay you dividends in the ring or on the mat. After two weeks of doing this workout you should see dramatic improvements not only in your strength, stamina but also in your muscular endurance!
You could say that it is one of the few... if not the ONLY one (in martial arts) that requires a great deal of cross training. The MMA fighter must not only possess skill in various disciplines but he or she must also have stamina, flexibility, strength and intelligence.
Just being able to throw a powerful punch and being able to toss your opponent around is not enough. Strength training for an MMA fight involves working out to produce the ability to exert effort and pressure in an extreme environment.
Surprisingly enough... everyone can benefit from an MMA workout!
The correct mixed martial arts workout will not only have you looking good but will allow you to take care of yourself in any situation. For example, having great cardio can easily enhance your sex life.
The mixed martial arts workout that I'm going to recommend will allow you to push yourself beyond your normal exercise limits.
This MMA workout is designed to target all your major muscle groups. This training should be completed-- 3 to 4 times per week.
You will have one full day of recovery between each workout.
This will condition your muscles to work longer through high levels of lactic acid. This workout consists of three circuits with two minutes of rest in between each circuit.
Each of the movements is timed and your objective is to do as many repetitions as possible within the allotted time. Unfortunately, there will be no rest in between exercises. After you have completed the movement you must move on to the next until you complete the entire series or circuit.
It is important then to find a resistance or weight that you can use without a great deal of difficulty.
Bear in mind this is an MMA workout designed to give you additional strength-- so using a light weight or light resistance will not help you!
This price you pay now -- in this MMA workout -- will pay off in the ring or on the mat!
It's a good idea to keep track of your workouts -- the number of repetitions for each exercise. (You don't need anything expensive you can go down to your local Rite Aid or CVS and purchase a composition notebook for about a dollar.)
The exercises that you will be given are considered... compound movements.
Here is your MMA workout and training program:
1. Half Squats -- 1.5 minutes (remember do as many repetitions as you can within the allotted 1.5 minutes -- then move onto the next exercise.)
2. Flat Bench Press -- for 1.5 minutes
3. Overhead Press (standing) -- 1.5 minutes
4. The Clean and Jerk -- 1.5 minutes
After you complete this one round or circuit rest for approximately 2 minutes (this is your target.)
In the beginning don't push yourself too much if you have not completely recovered at the end of the two minutes -- then rest for an additional minute -- for maximum total of three minutes of rest.
As I indicated to you earlier -- the price you pay in this workout will pay you dividends in the ring or on the mat. After two weeks of doing this workout you should see dramatic improvements not only in your strength, stamina but also in your muscular endurance!