Minute Man Sandbag Conditioning For Fighters

One of the best and most productive ways to train for combat sports is through the use of intervals. While most people just limit interval training to stuff like sprints or jumping rope (which are both very effective), there are many "non conventional" training tools and odd objects that are excellent for fight preparation. One of which is my all time favorite - sandbags. Yup, sandbag training is like the "raw and uncut" version of real strength training for fighters.

The problem with most fighters strength and conditioning programs is that they try to get ultra specific, and often don't focus on building the base of the athlete. What most fighters need is to build up huge reserves of general strength, explosiveness, and power endurance so that they can dish out a beating for 2,3, or up to 5 minute rounds. Sandbags are the perfect weapon, and will not only build great strength in the hips, back, and grip, but they offer an isometric component that is rarely trained. Throwing strikes or working eccentrically and concentrically is one thing, but it is when two fighters tie up and battle for position when people start to really fatigue. That constant transition is what makes fighting and grappling so exhausting. Sandbags will remedy this unlike anything else.

So a great way to use sandbags in interval fashion is to pick 3-5 of movements and work each for 1 minute - attempting to get maximum reps before taking a 45-60 second break and doing it all over again.

Here's a 5 minute round example:

Minute 1: Sandbag Clean and Press

Minute 2: Sandbag Shouldering

Minute 3: Sandbag Power Cleans

Minute 4: Sandbag Zercher Squats

Minute 5: Sandbag Bent Over Rows

Repeat for a total of 2-5 rounds (depending on where you are in your training cycle).
