How to Train Like a Real MMA Fighter

If you want to know how to train like a real MMA fighter, then the first thing you need to do is to find some real MMA fighters to train with! This is a principle that applies to all sports. You achieve the very little in isolation. The second thing you have to do is to find a good MMA gym or training facility and sign up.

You'll never develop the attitude, dedication and skill base from anything other than regular and frequent participation in an active MMA school.

There is much you can learn from the Internet and books and there have been many good books written by UFC champions such as B J Penn. But these are just a supplement to training.

An essential ingredient of training like a real MMA fighter, is learning to take pain. And here I am talking about proper pain, not the Arnold Schwarzenegger no pain no gain type of pain which you have full control over. I'm talking about being in a constant state of bruising, strained joints and cuts. And that is just the training!

* Real MMA training is not like traditional karate or many other so called martial arts that are more art than martial.
* Another essential ingredient of learning to train for mixed martial arts is developing mental skills.
* You may have to learn up to 300 different submission techniques and submission defence techniques if you choose to go the way of the ground fighter.
* You will also have to hone your reflexes through all sorts of speed drills. So you'll need to develop a good memory and a good mind and stay clear of any mind altering substances such as illegal drugs and excessive alcohol.
* The training will overtake your life and enter into other areas such as diet, sleep patterns, social life and finances.

If you get to the point where you think you may stand a chance of becoming professional, then you will have to start training several hours per day. This may mean a change of job or moving back home to save money. You will get a good idea after your first year of professional training and initial fights whether or not MMA is a career for you.