3 Things to Help You Improve Your MMA Conditioning and Cardio

Whether you are professional or not, training for MMA takes a ton of work! If you are employed, and do not make enough money from your fights to quit your job, you need to effectively use every bit of the sparse time that you have to train for MMA. This article, as well as my others, is written to help you use your time effectively, regardless of how much time you have.

1. Train your will.
2. Do not over-train.
3. Use a solid MMA training and exercise program.

1. At first, training your will may seem like a completely abstract concept; however, it is really just a matter of reprogramming how your brain works when you approach a challenge. The will can be conditioned just like anything else. In order to compete in MMA you require what might typically be called an 'iron will', even if you are gifted beyond belief, e.g. BJ Penn. Regardless, of your natural talent however, fully realizing your potential requires an 'iron will', which essentially means a drive to work your butt off. This is something that you condition as well as your body. It is important to remember that. The more often you push yourself, the easier it becomes to do so. Keep that fact in mind when you are pushing yourself harder than you ever have before, again! It pays off. With that said, it is more important in MMA training and conditioning to go hard than it is to go long. If you have the time then you have to do both, but even then you will train with high intensity over intervals of time.

2. With this idea of will in your mind, you need to remember that your muscles grow when you rest. You cannot train all of the time. You will need a personalized, or at least a generic MMA conditioning program in order to optimize your effective use of your body; however, remember that rest is an important aspect of good training. Do not overdue it of course. Taking too much time off, will have some unfortunate consequences and will make it harder to keep training or to 'get back into it'.

Remember too that as you train, your body will be able to go for longer and your training will become progressively more effective.

3. Another component that is necessary for effective MMA conditioning AND cardio is to have a good MMA strength conditioning and exercise program. If you do not have your own coach, this is not optimal, but it is still manageable. Not all of us can afford a coach for every aspect of our game. It is more important that you have a coach(es) to help you work on your technique. Remember, however, that anything your coach has learned you can learn as well. Yeah, I know that seems straight forward, but it is still important. It takes some time to learn what you actually need to do, but remember that you can cut some corners by standing on the shoulders of others. MMA conditioning and training has come a long way. You do not have to start from scratch and figure out everything on your own. Figure out what MMA conditioning programs others use, and then customize it for your schedule and your body.