All fighters surely want to learn how to have a more powerful punch. And if you have spent any length of time training and sparring you will have come across large opponents that punch much less hard than you expected and smaller ones that may have surprised you. Developing a more powerful punch can really be broken down into 3 parts; weight, speed and technique. As kids many of you may have tried toughing up your fists and learning to punch harder by copying martial arts movies, like trying to punch brick walls with your bare hands and all kinds of crazy stuff. While this may actually toughen up your hands, it isn't going to necessarily give you a stronger punch!
Any of you who have watched shows like CSI or have some math knowledge know that force is made up of a combination of speed and weight. So the heavier and faster an object is moving (ie your fist), the more damage it is going to do. While being big can be an advantage, it is more important to use your weight correctly. Using your whole body weight behind your punch instead of just your arm. And the faster your can throw the punch will also create more force. This is the combination of weight, speed and technique. Using your strength, fast speed and putting all your weight behind your punch.
One of the great things about beginning martial arts classes (that also no doubt really bores those that just want to fight) is that they breakdown your punches and kicks in to parts. For example a front kick my have 4 parts; lifting your leg, kicking, return to lifted position and down again. This helps to really develop the correct motion. Techniques for punching include being taught to step into the punch or twisting to use your weight.
In order to train for a more powerful punch you will want to include weight training, working heavy and speed bags for practice as well as classes on correct techniques.
Many martial arts classes often include board breaking in their training. This is a great way to see how you are developing the power of your punching. It also teaches you to use the mental focus that you need to use to really deliver a devastating punch. And instead of just connecting with the board you will probably be taught to aim at a point behind the board which will ensure you going through it.
To really develop a powerful punch that will take you to MMA competition wins you will need to master all these parts of successful striking.
Any of you who have watched shows like CSI or have some math knowledge know that force is made up of a combination of speed and weight. So the heavier and faster an object is moving (ie your fist), the more damage it is going to do. While being big can be an advantage, it is more important to use your weight correctly. Using your whole body weight behind your punch instead of just your arm. And the faster your can throw the punch will also create more force. This is the combination of weight, speed and technique. Using your strength, fast speed and putting all your weight behind your punch.
One of the great things about beginning martial arts classes (that also no doubt really bores those that just want to fight) is that they breakdown your punches and kicks in to parts. For example a front kick my have 4 parts; lifting your leg, kicking, return to lifted position and down again. This helps to really develop the correct motion. Techniques for punching include being taught to step into the punch or twisting to use your weight.
In order to train for a more powerful punch you will want to include weight training, working heavy and speed bags for practice as well as classes on correct techniques.
Many martial arts classes often include board breaking in their training. This is a great way to see how you are developing the power of your punching. It also teaches you to use the mental focus that you need to use to really deliver a devastating punch. And instead of just connecting with the board you will probably be taught to aim at a point behind the board which will ensure you going through it.
To really develop a powerful punch that will take you to MMA competition wins you will need to master all these parts of successful striking.