MMA Training 101 - How To Start Training

Beginners in MMA tend to not realize the work that goes into making a fighter. If you're just joining as a hobby or to compete, to get to a level to train with the elite you need to take note of many things off the bat. So here are some considerations to think about before training begins.
Learn To Defend.
There is always a chance of getting injured in MMA. Gyms will provide protective equipment when you're performing drills. Buy a groin cup and a mouth guard before training anything.
When you're learning to throw all those beautiful punches and kicks make sure that you know the ways to defend each more. This is often easily overlooked and forgotten to take into account when it is incredibly valuable to learn.
Think Before Executing.
Remember this is not the same as other sports that require you to shoot a puck or kick a ball into a net. The person across from you is trying to knock you unconscious or break your arm.
Think about each move and keep one step ahead of your opponent. Defend and Offend. Watching a fight with pure defence from one fighter is the most boring for the audience, who you're trying to entertain.
Train With Resistance.
Even right off the start of entering a MMA club you need to offer some resistance to your training partner. Not offering any resistance will not help you or your partner in training, and can often get injured.
These keys should be focused on for any person starting out in mixed-martial art training. These are really only the beginning. An quality MMA training program will help you with the training required outside of your club. Get started now.