MMA Conditioning To Get the Most Out of Training

You might be the master of exceptional skills, but if you cannot focus on conditioning for mma, you might turn out to be a loser. In fact, successful mixed martial arts fighters would tell you that their success lies in conditioning, which help their stamina, physique, and fitness and boost their morale.

In MMA training, conditioning workouts must be designed in a way that you undergo a similar level of work output that you would usually experience during a real competition. If your target is success in the game or bout, indulging in MMA conditioning workouts will do you more good than working on treadmill, exercise bike, or even running.

Try some of the following conditioning exercises to give yourself an opportunity to earn name and fame from your beloved sport:

• double-ended bag drills
• sledge hammer drills
• sandbag drills
• light to medium weight dumbbell work
• heavy bag slams
• sit-ups
• squat jumping
• skipping
• push variations
• shadow boxing
• training partner body weight exercises

You would realize that most of these conditioning programs are fun, leaving you energized, besides honing your sport skills. These workouts not only revolve around your sport training, but also aid your fitness goals, helping you improve your game and performance during the actual competition.

Advantages of Proper Conditioning

Other benefits of these conditioning workouts are:

• These burn much more body fat than any other cardio workout.
• These are quite interesting and entertaining than the steady workouts on stationary equipment sets.
• These do not require much of an investment and suit any kind of budget.
• These can be done anywhere and do not limit you to your home or gym.
• These can be done either alone or with a training partner if you prefer a group setting.
• These promise to lay the foundation for functional strength and conditioning if you are new to mixed martial arts.

However, the following simple tips will come in handy and ensure better results.

• Do not overstress yourself to prevent injury
• Take some time off your conditioning workouts to refresh yourself and regain strength
• Eat a balanced diet for physical and mental strength
• Keep the four weeks leading up to your competition for MMA conditioning workouts

If you do not want to see the face of defeat in your next mixed martial arts game, better train yourself that way and make your workout harder than the actual game. Follow the following MMA-specific conditioning workout tips:

• Add more rounds to your MMA workout so that you have the required stamina to stress yourself if the situation so demands. For example, in case of three five-minute rounds, it is better for you to add one more five-minute round to your conditioning workout.
• Reduce your rest periods to make your conditioning workout more intense in order to get the result in your favor in the competition. For example, if you get one-minute rest during the game, then reduce your resting period to 45 seconds during the conditioning workout.

Remember, time is a crucial factor in a mixed martial arts game. Thus paying special attention to time during your conditioning will ensure you are on the right track.