How would it feel to step into the cage and be indestructible? If we can get you to the point where you feel this way, you are much more likely to tear apart your opponent than have an average MMA fight. Pump your mind full of confidence and faith weeks out to step in and destroy. Here are a few steps to help with that process.
Set Goals.
Begin by writing or typing exactly how you are going to make this fight go. The more detailed you write, the more likely you are actually going to be able to dictate it. Be as specific as possible. If you don't do this then you let your fight happen by circumstance or accident.
This can be fun to do, and give you that feeling of victory. How do you want to beat your opponent? Are you going to rear naked choke them, or uppercut KO. The more clarity you have the more power you have.
Realize your Goals; Build Belief.
Once you achieved your goal it is much easier to reach the next. So set little goals that will get you closer and closer to the main ones. This will enforce that you're maintaining the right track. The more you achieve and realize, the more you achieve period.
In training, you will be punching harder, sparring longer, taking down opponents with ease. As you take notice of these you will see how great you can become, because you measured it by having it in writing.
Believe in You.
Believe in your ability, and yourself. Don't worry how good your opponent might be. The real competition is with you. The more you can get your ability to grow the more of a destroyer of a fighter you're going to become. But, remember to be humble to others, although when you're in the ring or cage, you are the p4p the best fighter on the planet.
Do not waste anytime walking into a cage with any doubt in your mind as to how the match is going to unfold. You are wasting your time and everyone that has helped you train. You would also doubt the abilities of the club you trained at. Walk in there with every ounce of confidence that this fight is yours to win.
These steps can really lead to more and more victories if you utilize them. When you are in the cage be as faithful as physically possible. Utilize a quality MMA training program will outline the importance of goal setting and the mental game for your victory.
Set Goals.
Begin by writing or typing exactly how you are going to make this fight go. The more detailed you write, the more likely you are actually going to be able to dictate it. Be as specific as possible. If you don't do this then you let your fight happen by circumstance or accident.
This can be fun to do, and give you that feeling of victory. How do you want to beat your opponent? Are you going to rear naked choke them, or uppercut KO. The more clarity you have the more power you have.
Realize your Goals; Build Belief.
Once you achieved your goal it is much easier to reach the next. So set little goals that will get you closer and closer to the main ones. This will enforce that you're maintaining the right track. The more you achieve and realize, the more you achieve period.
In training, you will be punching harder, sparring longer, taking down opponents with ease. As you take notice of these you will see how great you can become, because you measured it by having it in writing.
Believe in You.
Believe in your ability, and yourself. Don't worry how good your opponent might be. The real competition is with you. The more you can get your ability to grow the more of a destroyer of a fighter you're going to become. But, remember to be humble to others, although when you're in the ring or cage, you are the p4p the best fighter on the planet.
Do not waste anytime walking into a cage with any doubt in your mind as to how the match is going to unfold. You are wasting your time and everyone that has helped you train. You would also doubt the abilities of the club you trained at. Walk in there with every ounce of confidence that this fight is yours to win.
These steps can really lead to more and more victories if you utilize them. When you are in the cage be as faithful as physically possible. Utilize a quality MMA training program will outline the importance of goal setting and the mental game for your victory.