How To Be A Powerful MMA Fighter - 3 Steps To Win No Matter What

Have you ever had the feeling where there is nothing in the world that can touch you? Well we need to get you back to that feeling. The more confidence and faith that you can have in your ability the more you will shine in the cage. Here are 3 action steps that can take you straight to another victory.


If this sounds stupid to you, then you're probably not cut out to be reading this. Meditation is proven to be one of the most powerful tools to be successful at anything. What you need to do is find somewhere that you can be alone and it is quiet.

Take 20 minutes out of your day to sit somewhere close your eyes, and relax yourself into a state that you feel like you're almost floating. After closing your eyes, count each breath down from 10 to 1 then listen to your heart beat.


Now that your mind is completely clear and your mind is flushed of everything that surrounds your life, take a second to focus on yourself in the fight. You don't need to be up dancing around to feel like you are. What does the bottom of your feet feel like when you're standing in the cage?

Look over to your opponent and stare them in the eye with a sense of security because you know you're going to win this fight. As the bell rings, you step forward with a combination landing a strike to the midsection. You step back and then engage by throwing a high kick, almost knocking your opponent's head off.


Obviously the above example doesn't need to be your ideal way of winning a fight. You may be more focused on executing a submission. But no matter what the outcome was for you think back on it and focus on all 5 senses.

What did your shin feel like when it connected with your opponent's head? What did you hear from the crowd after your KO victory? What did the air smell like in the cage? The more detailed you are the more you are in control of your desired outcome.

The mental side of the game is more important than anything kind of physical training you perform. There is no doubt there is a huge need for both, but if you want to win more than one fight, you need to focus on mental training. Often it is overlooked by amateur athletes and that is why they are amateurs. A quality MMA training program will highlight the mental side of the game that often isn't taught in your local training club.