You'll Find Many of Self Defense Goods Around: Everything From Pepper Sprays To Personal Alarms

By Red B Nalow

Being a stripper can have its dangers. I am the usual object of affection of some customers. But there are some people who do not have class that they resort to harassment the moment they feel that I am not flattered by their show of affection. My close friends know this and I even received a keychain alarm with flashlight from them. They said that self defense products like this can get me the help that I need, whenever I need it.

The sun was not yet up when I went home from work. I was shocked to see a couple of men waiting for me in the nearby street. I identified one as a regular bar customer but I was not comfortable with them waiting for me. I took out the safety alarm connected to my purse and decided to use it should the guys harm me.

The two men then rushed towards me and this was the go signal for me to push the safety switch of the keychain alarm. The sound was resounding at 130 decibels, loud enough for other guys in the area to hear it and rush to my help. The two attackers were scared that they rushed out of the street. I was so grateful that I have ordered more self defense products such as other models of personal alarms.

I have stocked up on self defense products after learning the importance of these tools. In fact, I have a Mace 3 in 1 Sports Strobe in my purse. The compact size of this security alarm allows it to be conveniently carried anywhere. It can also be utilized as an alarm for the door or window.

I like the Mace 3 in 1 Sports Strobe because it serves other functions aside from being a personal alarm. It can sound off to a resounding 116 decibels and it has a flashlight function as well. Finally, it can be hung on a door or window to serve as an alarm if the access point is opened.

I believe that the personal alarms I have bought are sufficient enough for me to get the help that I need when I am attacked again. However, I thought that I also needed an alarm to help me stay up while I am behind the wheel. I looked for other types of self defense products and thought that the Nap Alarm, an anti-drowsiness alarm, was interesting.

I have trouble staying awake when driving, especially on the weekends. This anti-sleep alarm should keep me from getting sleepy while I am in my vehicle.

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