The Reality of True Martial Arts

By Al Case

The Secret of the Martial Arts is Awareness. The Secret of All Life is Awareness. Thus, the Secret of Life is within you, and all you have to do is figure out how to unleash your awareness.

This is such an easy thing, so simple, and yet people overlook it. People think that they will be better martial artists if they just work out more, build their bodies, can beat up the other fellow. Nothing could be further from the truth; this is actually diametrically opposed to the truth of themselves as martial artists.

Yes, muscles are necessary, but only to a certain degree. They are important only to the degree that they grow awareness. One should not abuse the muscle to make them larger and stronger, but use them to achieve awareness of what the muscle is and is doing.

Yes, martial arts patterns important, but only to the degree that they breed awareness. As one practices forms one discovers how to manipulate the body. Eventually, with correct practice, one will transcend the accepted methods for moving the body and discover whole new methods for using the body.

Yes, martial arts applications are important, but only to the degree that they bring awareness of how to deal with the problems presented by an attacker. One discovers, through martial arts techniques, that the real problem has to do with analyzing and handling incoming forces. This makes one into a more aware being.

Yes, fighting is important; the combative disciplines wouldn't be real if they weren't combat usable. However, the big problem is that people start to love combat for the fighting, and not as a method for becoming more aware of how to use the body...even under stress. This is referred to as the Joy of Combat, and is against to the real path of the true martial art.

The real key is that one should be learning the fighting disciplines to explore ones own self. When one loves fighting more than learning they are not pursuing the art. When one engages in combat solely to beat another human being, they will never uncover the true spirit of themselves.

The eastern combat disciplines are a key, and the whole body is the lock. Do the martial arts and unlock the bodies true potential. Still the mind and discover the spirit that is the truth of you.

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