How to Deal with a Flash Mob using Karate, Kung Fu or Kenpo!

By Al Case

People shouting and yelling, the store is in chaos, and fifty teenagers are grabbing everything they can and heading for the doors. Doesn't happen? It is happening, and in major cities across the United States, and the only solution is to use a little Karate or Kung Fu or Kenpo, or whatever martial art you know, to survive the situation.

The flash mob idea is illegal, against the law, and the mark of a society failing. These are usually teenagers, they should be in school, yet they are laughing and stealing and have no sense of right nor wrong. But just because society is coming apart doesn't mean that a few well meaning individuals shouldn't stand up and stop this kind of behavior.

First, these flash mobs normally don't want to fight, but that doesn't mean they won't. These kids are a mob, and if they happen to find an old lady in their way, they won't hesitate. They will knock her to the floor, steal her purse, and laugh on the way to the street.

If you see somebody about to be crunched by a flash mob, it might be time to do a body tackle that knocks them all down. This would be the bowling pin strategy, and it works wonders. A bunch of kids all thrown into a mess on the floor may suddenly change their flash mob ideas into wondering what the heck they are doing.

Another great strategy, especially if you see a bunch of kids trying to grab the cash register, is to push standing displays over on them. Simply grab a candy rack and start flailing. They will quickly start to wonder why the world is falling in on them.

A strategy which, if used, would end the Flash Mob chronicle going on in todays civilization, is one you have to be very careful of. After all, you don't want to get in trouble for damaging kids. Still, if you find yourself in a bad situation, this next Martial Arts tactic might just save your life, and end end the flash mob mentality.

Break one of the mobbers limbs. Simply use your martial arts and do some fast but not long lasting damage. Mind you, I am not advocating murder, or damaging someone just because you can, I am simply saying that if you find yourself in one of these mob sitations, a little self defense to break an arm or leg might alter the intent of the mob, would definitely protect you, and, think about it, how is little Johnny going to explain a broken arm to his parents?

Gee, Mom, we were knocking over a pharmacy, and when I attacked some guy he broke my really wasn't my fault. Do you see the rationale here, and the logical way of breaking budding criminals excitement for riot? Mind you, I am not advocating using Karate, Kung Fu, Kenpo, or any other martial art to indiscriminately hurt people, I am saying you have a second amendment right to protect yourself and your friends and society at large from the criminal behavior of a few criminally acting kids who, with proper guidance, might grow up to be good citizens.

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