Buy Helpful Self Defense Weapons Just Like The Pointed Kubotan

By Cindie D Feenk

Violence is quite rampant nowadays, especially around our school where several students have been attacked while walking home at night. I had a night class so I was quite worried about having to go through a similar situation as well. If it did happen to me, I would not know what to do.

One of my friends told me to buy effective self defense weapons but I just was not sure if I could afford one with the student loans that I have. I definitely had to find something that was within my budget so I can defend myself. I browsed through the Internet to know all about my options.

I did not realize that I actually had options available to keep me safe, which were inexpensive as well. The Kubotan is a cheap self-defense device that will help me with protection. These devices are objects shaped like sticks that are often placed on key rings, making them look harmless. This way, no one would know that they are actually self-defense weapons.

If I was going to buy effective self defense weapons, I figured this would be a good one. Pain is inflicted with the use of a Kubotan to parts of the body that are bony, like the leg, kneecap, solar plexus, collarbone, and nose bridge.

From the pointed Kubotan and those that have flat tips, I opted to get the pointed one. This self-defense tool is so easy for me to access and is durable as well. It is such a discreet weapon that can do serious damage to my attacker.

I think that it is a wise choice to buy effective self defense weapons especially when you need to do what you can to stay safe. Kubotans can be used in whatever way necessary to keep the assailant away. The best part for me is that it is not only an inexpensive solution but one that is virtually indestructible as well.

To effectively apply pressure to weak areas of the target's body, using a pointed Kubotan is perfect. I procured a weapon that was 5 1/2 inches in length and available in four various colors, namely, silver, royal blue, red, and black.

Now that I was able to buy effective self defense weapons, I feel a lot safer with my late walks home after class. With my tiny budget, I thought that I would never find anything to help me. However, a Kubotan is not only affordable but it works amazingly as well.

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