You Will Discover Plenty of Sorts of Pepper Spray On the market, Find The Most Appropriate One For You

By Grig A Balew

My brother and I decided to enroll in the same university after graduating from high school. We thought that being in the same school and staying close to each other as much as possible would make our parents happy and less worried for our safety.

Everything was going smoothly, including our new apartment, until news about a schoolmate being attacked on her way home made us fear for our lives. Not wanting to take any chances, my sibling suggested that we arm ourselves with the Mace Pepper Gel to be reassured.

Pepper sprays were something that I was surprised to learn bro was even aware of. I was convinced that owning one would be helpful, so I accompanied him to search for self-defense weapons.

While visiting the stores, we met a friend of his who was kind enough to direct us to one in particular that sells security gadgets. The shopkeeper then introduced us to the Magnum model of the Mace Pepper Gel, which is a pepper spray formulation that is suspended in gel instead of a liquid stream. He indicated that, when dispensed, the gel will adhere like glue to the face and skin.

The pepper gel may have a stronger pepper formula but we gathered that it is neither flammable nor very contaminating. The Mace Magnum gel spray has a unit size of 79 grams and comes with a flip-top safety cap to prevent accidental deployment. It can be used at longer distances, with a firing rate of 13 one-second bursts effective at a range of 18 feet.

Eager to defend ourselves from aggressors, we did not hesitate to buy the Mace Pepper Gel after the store owner made us understand its superior features.

The need for pepper sprays came so suddenly after we bought one. Bro met a mishap one night and was consequently unable to walk me to my dorm building. Without any other choice, I had to go home on my own. It was then that I detected a man shadowing me suspiciously. Remembering the pepper gel in my bag, I took it out carefully and waited for the offender to come closer before hitting him on the face. Unprepared, he could not hold onto his knife. As he was too busy wiping off the gel from his face and failing, I seized the opportunity to run and call for help from patrolling police officers.

I am thankful that I chose to bring my Mace Pepper Gel before I left for class that day. The encounter taught me the importance of being armed all the time.

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