There Are Actually Various Stun Guns, But Which Type Is The Highest Quality?

By Willem D Chicoine

Our security guard at work is quite friendly and often joins us for small talk after lunch. One time, we inquired about the security tools he brought on his rounds. In reality, we were taking a look at the device that he was holding at that moment.

He told us it was a stun gun, one that was ideal for his job. Having said that, he also added that the best stun gun would depend on who is using it and for what purpose. I thought to myself that he raised a good point: what is best for him might not be the same for us.

After our chat, I thought to investigate on the web. It had been obvious I wouldn't enjoy lugging a bulky stun gun such as the ones given to guards. The best stun gun for normal people like me would be nothing heavy or tricky to work.

When I saw the Runt Stun Guns, I started to understand that the best stun gun, given my requirements, was quite likely to come from this set. Due to their small size, they appeared to be easy to handle.

I discovered three variations of the Runt Stun Guns. They share the same build but vary in voltage. The lowest voltage is 2.5 million, in the middle is 3.5 million, and the highest capacity is 4.5 million volts.

I learned that stun guns employ neuro-muscular disruption technology to curb an attack. The technology was explained to me on the website. The brain signals sent to the muscles will be interrupted, causing the loss of muscle control. The attacker will be incapacitated instantly, and for quite a few minutes.

Whatever stun gun each user favors will make use of such technology. Of course, every model would be different in its capabilities, power and features.

In the case of the Runt Stun Guns, I decided that the 4.5 million volt selection would be the best stun gun for my use, more than the 3.5 million volt and 2.5 million volt models, because of the highest voltage.

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