Strength and Conditioning Workouts For MMA Fighters

Strength and Conditioning workouts for MMA fighters have not been around and tested for many years because the sport is relatively new. One of the biggest problems I have seen though, when watching guys being trained or training themselves to improve conditioning, is they virtually kill themselves for up to an hour in the gym with no carry over to either strength levels or conditioning!

If you have ever worked the corner for a fighter, one of the things I have never heard them complain of concerning their opponent was his conditioning. I have never heard a guy say, Man, the guy is so well conditionined. i just can't gas him out. But What I have heard time and time again, was, Man that guy is so strong.

Believe you me, especially if you are still in Bruce Lee mode, strength wins the day no matter how good your technique. You need technique, but unless you have perfected it, a stronger guy will blow open your shortcomings. We all have a choice as to the pace at which we fight. You do not need marathon runner endurance.

So what you see nowadays is a tendency to either stay old school and burn your fighters out during workouts, and keep them weak, or concentrate on continually increasing strength along with speed.

A lot of those MMA conditioning workouts you see on youtube do absolutely nothing for you except the following:

* keep you weak as you are too busy changing stations to concentrate on strength work
* keep you or make you prone to muscle and joint injury (they are usually performed far too often)
* fatigue your adrenal glands
* lower your testosterone levels

Where does that leave you? On the floor knocked out most probably.

So what is the solution?

Ok, so you want to train strength and conditioning. You like garlic and bananas too, but you wouldn't put them in the same sandwich. Separate the two for the most part. There is a place for workouts that mimic the timing of a fight, but you must never sacrifice strength, by concentrating on these so called strength and conditioning workouts which do neither. This is waht you have to do:

1. Work on strength all year, with heavy work and speed lifts.

2. Make the main focus of conditioning work, sparring, rolling and bag work.

3. Understand MMA Specific Strength Training

4. Do SOME MMA Conditioning Workouts but once or twice a week tops.