Punch Out the Competition - Ultimate Strength Training For Fighters!

Being a strength and conditioning specialist and personal fitness trainer in the Atlanta area now for over 10 years I have had a lot of experience with training all types of athletes. I must say even though I don't fight competitively I still have dabbled enough in the world of martial arts to know just how physical the sport can be. Being an athlete myself if I can tell any athlete from any sport to engage in a specific style of training it would be kettlebell training! Keep reading if I have your attention.

Ultimate Strength Training For Fighters!

The best strength training workout for fighters has to involve the use and application of the ancient kettlebell! You see fighting is about as dynamic as you can get when it comes to manipulating your body to perform movements that are explosive and multi-planar in nature. You not only have to have strength, but you also have to have a serious amount of cardiovascular fitness at the same time. Fighters and kettlebellers just have to have a little more in the tank if you know what I mean!

The reason kettlebell training is so effective for fighters is because the way that you have to train with this ancient device requires the act of knowing how to manipulate bodily movements rather than muscles! You see the focus is on how to do something effectively, not just how to move heavy weight with brute force. This is the difference. Just like martial arts and MMA, the emphasis is placed on efficiency. With the execution of dynamic kettlebell lifts such as swings, snatches, and jerks you have to be efficient in order to pull these off if you expect to improve your strength.

Kettlebell training offers a battery of lifts for you to engage in to quickly progress to another level of conditioning that you have never experienced before. Not only do you get stronger in your muscles, but your joints, cardio, and recovery time all benefit from utilizing this ancient style of hard hitting training! No pun intended. You have got to learn how to master the basic lifts of the kettlebell if you expect to improve your fighting performance.

If you haven't already started to implement the use of this training into your fighting strength and conditioning program then you are missing out. Take the time to learn more about this and other powerful training tactics by accessing more of my articles on the subject for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!
