The Only Foolproof Formula for Quick and Lasting Weight Loss

In April of this year I was overweight and could barely tie my shoes without getting out of breath. In the last two months I have lost 25 lbs. and next weekend will be my third 5k race in the last two months. I have absolutely found the formula for lasting weight loss, and it comes down to an ludicrously simple idea.

Create Habits

The only way to lose weight and maintain a healthy bodyweight is to create healthy eating and consistent exercise habits. Not very sensational I know but most basic truisms are not all that sexy. Despite the lack of dramatic sparkle, creating healthy eating and exercise habits can provide quick weight loss results, and more importantly, weight loss that will stick around for the rest of your life.

What are Healthy Eating Habits?

Eat when you are hungry and stopping eating when you are not hungry. That's the secret diet formula. You do not have to count every calorie you consume, and you do not have to avoid cookies, ice cream and cupcakes. You cannot give these things up long-term anyway, so why try.

All you need to do is pay attention to your stomach's signals. If you feel hungry then eat. Eat whatever you desire. Just stop eating when you are no longer hungry. Do not wait until you are stuffed and miserable before you stop eating. You do not have to eat the entire bag of Doritos just for something to do during American Idol. Just listen to your stomach, and if you are overweight now, pounds will melt off even without exercise.

What are Healthy Exercise Habits?

Everyone should strive to incorporate some type of rigorous activity into each day. It does not matter if that activity is gardening, running on a treadmill, or chasing a toddler around. Simply be active. As is obvious from this website, I happen to love running. For me, scheduling monthly or bi-monthly 5k races keeps me focused on daily exercise. Find an activity you enjoy and contribute time to that activity each day. Even if you only have ten minutes on a given day, just use those ten minutes to enjoy your favorite exercise activity.

Change your Habit and Change Your Life

Billions of dollars are spent each year on crazy diets and complicated exercise equipment designed to help folks lose bodyfat. People in this Country want to lose weight quickly and easily, and are willing to spend hard-earned dollars to shed the pounds. However, spending money on the latest diet fad or ridiculous piece of exercise equipment sold on QVC at 2 a.m. may help one lose weight temporarily, but in the end the weight will certainly come back.

Just two months ago I was twenty-five pounds heavier and could barely walk one mile, let alone try to run one. Now I easily run 4 miles or more during training sessions and have lighter than I have been since college. It did not take long folks, and it certainly did not take a fancy exercise gizmo or ridiculous diet program.