MMA Training: Strength and Conditioning Circuit for Teens

MMA Training - Here's a muscle toning MMA Training Strength and Conditioning Circuit for teens that will help you prepare for MMA or self defense. Teens now days are as much into MMA training as adults are and they always ask me, what kind of strength and conditioning workouts they can do since they can't really do all the workouts we do, so here we go. Enjoy and Train hard.

Push up and Squat Circuit

In this circuit you will start with a warm up. Warming up is important because it helps get your body ready for the workout and it helps keep you from getting injured. Think of your body as a rubber band, If you work out while your body is cold, it will snap, but if your muscles are warmed up then you will be able to have full range of motion.

What does this circuit do?

This circuit will improve your cardio and allow you to push forward more explosively for a longer period of time during a fight. It will make you stronger and help you build muscle in your legs, chest and arms. Its a full body workout. If you are doing this MMA Training Circuit regularly and your friends or opponents aren't...then they ware in for a surprise.

The Warm Up (This warm up is very simple and short)

1 Minute of jumping jacks without stopping
Rest for 30 seconds
1 Minute of jumping jacks without stopping
Rest for 30 seconds

MMA Training Strength and Conditioning Circuit

Continue doing these two exercises for 1 minute without stopping
Do 10 air squats (do them fast but with good form)
Then drop and do 5 hindu push ups
Then start at the air squats again
Do this for 1 Minute
Then rest for 1 minute

After you rest for 1 minuter start the circuit over again. You will repeat this circuit 3 times with 1 minute rests in between. The goal is to be able to work your way up to doing this circuit 5 times in a row with 1 minute rests in between.. Some of you might only be able to do the circuit only one or two times at first, that's ok, just keep pushing forward and in time you will be able to do it 3 times or even 5 times without gassing out.

Do this circuit 3 times a week but don't do it 3 days in a row, do it every other day. Your body needs rest so your muscles can grow and get stronger. This circuit is very difficult, but it's worth it and it will get you strong and fit.