Mace Hot Walkers Resemble Standard Exercising Weights But There Is A Big surprise Inside

By Ami I Paterson

Running is a passion of mine. I run all around my neighborhood in Sacramento to stay fit all the time. Whenever I go out for a jog, I always make sure to have the Mace Hot Walkers with me. This reliable jogger pepper spray does not only give me the protection that I will need against an attacker but also a compartment where I can stash valuable items while I am jogging.

It is my belief that crimes can be committed even to those of us who are on the move. There was one instance when a man I knew was assaulted by several hooligans. He lives next door and was running around the very jogging path that I follow when it occurred. Although it is not clear why he was targeted, I know for a fact that it could have been stopped had he used a defense spray.

A self-defense weapon like the Mace Hot Walkers is the perfect way to ward off a wrongdoing like that. Those are a couple of walking weights, each equaling 1 lb. A Mace pepper spray is hidden in the first walking weight. Another storage room is located in the second walking weight where items like money and my wristwatch may be put covertly.

I find this jogger pepper spray truly indispensable. First of all, I put a lot of emphasis on security. Given that a miscreant can jump me without warning, it gives me peace of mind to have this defense spray on hand.

I can be safeguarded with this strong pepper spray intended to cause short-lived incapacitation on the bad guy. Also, pepper sprays trigger breathing problems and a loss of vision. I simply need to spray mine into a thug and he would be motionless in no time.

Since I am a busy businessman during the day, I usually find myself doing my running regimen at night. I do not have any worries even if I go out jogging late in the evening because I know that I can stay secure with this jogger pepper spray.

Also, the disguised pepper spray enables me to secure my money and jewelry while I run. Shorts pockets were my usual locations for keeping those. Since I bought this defense spray, I now have a more effective place where to store my cash, which thieves would never detect as holding objects of value.

Like my trusted pair of running shoes, I believe that this jogger pepper spray is essential to my regular fitness activities. Simply put, I can't run when I do not have the Mace Hot Walkers with me.

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