The Importance of Elbow Strikes in MMA

Elbow strikes in MMA allow a fighter to do deliver a contest winning move whilst maintaining defence at the same time. Elbow strikes can be delivered standing or on the ground. The elbow is probably the hardest part of the body to strike with and for this reason its importance cannot be ignored.

Standing Elbow Strikes

These can be delivered in several ways but the most effective is probably with the elbow and forearm out in front.

* Contact is made via a circular motion of the arm and elbow along with a twist of the torso.
* This enables a strike which also entails a guard.
* It is extremely difficult to block this type of elbow strike.
* If contact is made it can result in a knockout or TKO due to cuts.
* The other hand should be in front of the face guarding.
* Be careful if you miss as you can open up the right side of your face (if striking with the right elbow)
* Always return the striking arm quickly back to a defensive position in case of a counter strike.

Upward Elbow Strikes

* This is similar in execution to an uppercut but can only be effective in very close quarters.
* Instead of a circular motion, it is linear.
* It is primarily the bodyweight being transferred upwards, not arm speed, that makes it effective.

Elbowing and Punching on the Ground

* Otherwise known as Ground and Pound, this technique grinds your opponent out.
* Can only work if your opponent does not have control of your head.
* Is best delivered from a height and crashing down motion, often going straight through your opponent's guard or forcing their own hands into their face.