The Implementation Of Tae Kwon Do Belts

By Alan Hunt

The value and expertise of most of the martial arts are demonstrated in the awarding of a belt for a level reached. Tae kwon do belts are no exception. Once you have reached a certain level of mastering the art you are awarded a belt to show your level of expertise.

There are ten grading levels in the tae kwon do grading system. After each level a belt is presented to the student. This happens after the grading. The grading takes place once the student has reached his or her goals within that section. The first belt color is white and it ranges up to the black belt.

There is a particular set of movements within a section with different milestones. All of the movements have to be mastered in that section before grading can take place. This is when you receive your belt. The entry level belt is the normal white belt which is followed by the white belt with the yellow stripe (this depends on the school though). After this belt you would receive your yellow belt.

The yellow belt can also be divided into two sections where you will receive a yellow belt with a green stripe, midway toward your green belt. Every stripe indicates midway where you are headed. Hence, you have the green belt with the blue stripe, the blue with the red and the red with the black. Within the black belts there is also the different mastery which is divided into Dans, which starts from first to eighth. This is found amongst the senior levels.

The reasoning behind these colors is that it indicates years of training and hard work. Previously only white belts existed. However, they became soiled with grit and grime (and blood) and became darker over the years and eventually ended up black. This grading in color would therefore indicate your years of experience and, hence, the different colors that exists today.

The white belt indicates the beginning where the student has no experience at all and by simply joining the classes obtains it. The next level is the beginning of the plant growing roots and the student is set to start with a set of the basic techniques of tae kwon do (which is the yellow belt).

Once you start growing and developing you reach the green belt status where you are taught more (the leaves starts to grow). Reaching up to the height of the sky is what you will be indicating once you are wearing your blue belt. The red belt will show your opponents that you have entered the time of self-discipline. This is taken with you into your black belt status.

The historical reasoning behind the Tae Kwon Do belts has given rise to the colors. Much more than that, tough, it shows how you are able to develop and grow to a higher skills level, your willingness to control yourself, to grow and complete the cycle of learning. This can immediately be seen when someone looks at your belt.

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