Don't Be A Target - Carry a Taser C2 Stun Gun and Be Well Prepared for Nearly anything That You Come Across

By Willem K Chicoine

Staying late at the workplace is something that my wife is fond of doing. You can say that she likes working hard that she gets home later than I do. There have been so many crimes recently with women being assaulted that I was not comfortable with her getting home so deep into the night.

I feared for my wife's safety but instead of arguing with her, I searched the Net to find possible solutions for protection. This was when I landed on a Web site for self-defense and realized that the perfect solution was to buy Taser C2 products. With these, she can defend herself even during dark.

My wife did not have to exert much physical power into using a Taser. In the event of an attack, she can debilitate the attacker instantly with the strong electric shock that the weapon releases. As such, she has time to get away and call for help.

The reason I wanted to buy Taser C2 products is that they use neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI) technology to incapacitate anyone regardless of strength. Besides, whether the aggressor is near or far, a Taser offers both far-ranging and close-ranging defense via 2 darts connected to 15-foot wires that release 50,000 volts.

While I was selecting from Tasers, I had to choose if I wanted to get her the one with laser sight or the one without a laser sight. When I discovered that the advantage of laser sight is to help aim at the assailant better in the dark, I decided to go with having this feature.

Before I chose to buy Taser C2 items I went through the other products available. I saw the Taser X26C, which is a powerful electronic control device (ECD) used in law enforcement and is software-upgradeable. There was also the Taser M26-C, which uses electro-muscular disruption (EMD) technology to debilitate the target with about 100% accuracy. These products were interesting as well but I decided to go with my first choice.

To ensure the responsible use of Tasers, a background check is first conducted before the unit is activated. In addition, it comes with cartridges that have their own serial number and Anti-Felon identification tags to help the police track any misuse of the device.

I decided to buy Taser C2 devices, as these will make me feel more secure about my wife's safety. Plus, Tasers are non-lethal weapons so she will not be causing any permanent harm to the target. Those who want to get a hold of these products for self-defense should first find out about the laws in their neighborhood.

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