Discovering A Great Arnis Club In The Philippines

By Dexin Kramer

If you ever drop by the University of the Philippines, Diliman, and hear the loud noise of clashing sticks, chances are you've just stumbled upon the UP Sangkil Karasak, a club dedicated to the martial art of arnis, most especially the LSAI style of arnis, or Lightning Scientific Arnis.

It was developed by one of the most famous personalities in the Filipino Martial Arts world, Grandmaster Benjamin Lema Luna, who even during his old age was still a very formidable fighter. One of the specialties of this style is called the espada y daga, or more literally sword and dagger, which uses two weapons in very close combat. Such a technique can literally "chop" up the opponent into pieces when used properly. LSAI is also famous for its high-powered long-range stick strikes, which can twist and bend in various angles to always hit the opponent.

The most high-level student of the grandmaster, Guro Elmer Ybaez, was the one who formally established the UP Sangkil Karasak, in line with his new system called LESKAS, or Lema Scientific Kali Arnis System, which was named after his teacher. Things were looking good for LSAI, LESKAS, and the UP Sangkil Karasak, until the untimely death of Mang Ben in 2003, and Guro Elmer in 2004.

After the death of Guro Elmer, the UP Sangkil Karasak was then headed by his top students, including Master Felipe "Bot" Jocano, an anthropology professor in the University of the Philippines and perhaps the foremost scholar on the history and different styles of arnis and escrima. Until today the club seeks to propagate the knowledge of the art of escrima, through exhibitions and free training trials.

Most of the students of the UP Sangkil Karasak have been ordinary college students, who do not have the opportunity to train full-time. That is why the training system has been fine-tuned, and is still being improved, to be able to get the most out of every training session. However, the teachers in the club also accept private students for a reasonable fee. Training is usually done in true Filipino style, improvising with tires for practice, in an old classroom.

Those who get the most out of escrima training in UP Sangkil Karasak are those who are willing to stick to it for the long term, and that means several years. Training requires patience, determination, and a love for the art which has been hailed as the deadliest martial art in the world. If you're interested in getting a head start in escrima, the UP Sangkil Karasak is a good place to be!

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