4 Reasons Anyone Can Learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is one of the most dynamic and effective martial arts currently being practiced. It is this very nature that attracts many people to watch events related to this sport and its spectacular athletes. If you are someone who has seen this sport in action in person or televised and have wondered if you can learn this art, the answer is yes.

1)The movements are basic

While the techniques performed in Brazilian jiu jitsu are impressive, the majority of them are very basic to perform. Once you have learned the foundational positions of this martial art it is just a matter of repetition before you will be able to perform a large variety of movements. Some techniques are more dynamic than others but they work on the same principles as the simple ones. Learning these motions in sequence will allow anyone patient enough to put in the practice to repeat them.

2)Instructors and Training Partners are inviting of new people

The people that practice and teach Brazilian jiu jitsu are passionate about their martial art. They are always excited when new people express interest in learning about the art or would like to participate. If you are someone who is worried about the atmosphere of going into an academy, I can assure you that most schools are very welcoming. Finding a school in your area will probably be as simple as doing a quick internet search.

3)You can learn at your own pace

One of the things you will notice if you take up Brazilian jiu jitsu is that there are people at all levels of skill, performance and participation. The same academy will most likely have some casual practitioners, a medium sized group of very devoted students and a few very high level competitors. Wherever you fit in, or would like to fit in, you can make a place for yourself. Everyone can learn something from everyone is a common saying in the gym. It will be easy to settle in and learn at your own pace.

4)There is a lot of information available

Even if you don't have time to train everyday or an elite level Brazilian jiu jitsu school in your area you can still study this art. There are many free resources available online as well as many blogs and websites offering instructional resources. Learning can be as easy as looking up some techniques and working together with some friends in your living room.
